Envision Chicago is a diverse, incarnational ministry strategically located in the inner city of Chicago. Our primary areas of focus are in the north side neighborhoods of Rogers Park and West Ridge.

Rogers Park:
In Rogers Park, 1 in 5 families live below the poverty line. More than 80% of students in the public school system come from low-income households. There is also a large, and growing, population of LGBTQ+. There are more than 40 primary languages spoken in our community.

West Ridge:
West Ridge is often referred to as “Little India.” The business district of Little India is a huge attraction to tourists— featuring various foods, wares, and clothing from South Asia. Little India is home to a large population of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, and other South Asians. The community is also home to refugees from countries that have little to no access to the gospel. The diversity of Rogers Park and Little India give us the unique opportunity to share the gospel of Christ with a very diverse group of people who have little to no exposure to the Gospel.